Coach In Focus Auskick PP Andrew Stephens

1.How long have you been coaching footy for at AMPJFC and other clubs?
First Year for Applecross Hawks and Auskick
2. Did you play footy yourself as a youngster? If so who for and what age till.
Yes . Carine Cats from Year 1
3. Who was your best coach when you played? Why?
Peter Spencer at Aquinas.
He was a disciplined coach that rewarded you if you were willing to put in the hard work.
A good lesson for a year 11 student that thought it would come easy
My old man was also a great coach when I was growing up
4. What children and teams do you have at AMPJFC?
Patrick Stephens in Auskick Pre Primary
4. What age groups have you coached?
Aus Kick PP
5. What got you into coaching?
Love playing footy and still play
Have always wanted to coach my kids once they hit the right age
6. What do you enjoy about coaching?
Everything! The kids are what make it great. I reckon I’m lucky to have the group that we do!
My assistants have also been awesome! Wouldn’t have been as fun with out them
7. What are some stand out moments as a coach?
Finally getting to the stage where I blow the whistle twice and the kids sit down and give their full attention.
I have also had moments in the mini games where it is a perfect ruck knock which is crumbed, then passed to a team mate and they then kick a beautiful goal. It’s rare but when it happens it magic.
8. What is your focus for the team this year?
To have Fun with their mates. The fact that they show up every week with a smile on their face is a win for me. Skills will come and it is a focus but at this stage I want them to enjoy their footy
9. What is your catch phrase that you always say to your players eg words of wisdom, inspirational message etc
Get up, it’s only a scratch
10. What AFL Team do you barrack for?
The Reigning Premiers – West Coast Eagles ( I like good Chardonnay so it makes sense)
What Danielle says: “Andrew “Stepho” Stephens has brought so much energy to the Pre-Primary trainings! His love of footy is contagious and you can see how much his enthusiasm has rubbed off on our first year Auskickers as well as their parents. Andrew’s introduction of a weekly Captain’s Award and regular Coaches vs Kids games have been great initiatives! He is a real team player and we hope he continues to coach the Hawks in future years.”
What Luke says: “Andrew is a very engaging coach, the kids have fun, participating enthusiasticly! Getting the attention of a mob of 5 years olds is no small task and Andrew makes it look effortless. Andrew still plays football today and his continued experience enriches his coaching. He has also embraced 2.0 and the kids love the grid games Andrew sets out each week.”
What Jess says: “Andrews energy with the Pre Primary Auskickers is inspiring, he’s very inclusive and gets all the kids having a go. Andrew makes all the parents feel welcome and encourages a lot of parent participation. Watching this group of entry Auskickers develop across the year under Andrews calm guidance has been a joy!”