Coach In Focus ~ Diego Eguiguren

Meet Our Year 3 Brown Coach Diego Eguiguren
1.How long have you been coaching footy for at AMPJFC and other clubs?
I’m in my 2nd year at AMPJFC and 2 years prior at Mt Pleasant Baptist FC.
2. Did you play footy yourself as a youngster. If so who for and what age till.
Yes I grew up playing in Melbourne for several suburban junior clubs and school footy. Eventually played a couple of seasons for Footscray Amateurs up until age of 20.
3. Who was your best coach when you played? Why?
If I can indulge in crossing sports here I’ll say my most influential coach was my Yr 10 Science teacher who coached the school Volleyball team. Unfortunately growing up in the 80’s I found most footy coaches harsh and unrelatable.
4. What children and teams do you have at AMPJFC?
Rio (8yrs) is playing in the team I coach – Yr3 Brown
4. What age groups have you coached?
Footy – pre primary to Yr 3.
Tennis – all ages
5. What got you into coaching?
My Love for sport, footy and ultimately my son’s Love for the game.
6. What do you enjoy about coaching?
Being part of a footy team and seeing players & teams grow in their capabilities.
7. What are some stand out moments as a coach?
When a player has a positive, encouraging experience that builds their confidence and sense of “belonging” in a team.
8. What is your focus for the team this year?
We are in a very interesting time in the AFL where the “inclusive” agenda challenges coaches & clubs to apply a very different mindset. We are ALL about “DEVELOPMNET” of the individuals and the team. No scoring means we can ignore the result and focus on building skills, game sense and team work.
9. What is your catch phrase that you always say to your players eg words of wisdom, inspirational message etc
Focus on your role for the team and the results will come!
10. What AFL Team do you barrack for?
What Chris says: “Diego is a highly organised coach and excellent communicator with players and parents alike. He is doing an outstanding job with his team and has been a pleasure to work with as we develop our year 3 group as a whole.“
What Mitch says: “Diego is a great coach for the kids, they listen to him, learn from him and he engages with them. The kids are encouraged by every high five, every pat on the back and every one-on-one chat he has with them.”