Team In Focus ~ Year 3 Brown

Weekend Match Day Report
Sunday 26 May AMPJFC Year 3 Brown v Bullcreek Leeming @ Beasley Reserve
Sunday 26th May we played Bull Creek Leeming at Beasley Reserve. Our boys put up an excellent effort against a very strong side.
Our focus for the game was “Eyes only for the Ball / Hold your positions / Support each other around contests”. We had almost every player show courage in a contest either in the air or on the ground. Pack marks, 1 x handed grabs, kick-pass and smart defence were some of the highlights.
Out of the 4 games we’ve played we’ve had two games where the other team was dominant, one where we were well on top and one very competitive one.
Our two main areas of development are “transitioning the ball” by hand and foot and skills. We have a real mix of players this year with some new to footy and others in their fourth year of footy. Jon Stagg / Greg Kirk (assistant coaches) and myself are super proud of the entire team who have shown great spirit in adversity, excellent sportsmanship and comradery.
Coach Diego Eguiguren